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Unravelling My Heritage: A Personal Journey with iGENEA DNA Test

Family name Rasmussen

Venturing into my ancestry with the help of the iGENEA DNA test, I discovered the Scandinavian roots of my surname, Rasmussen, established global connections through the comprehensive DNA database and found a new sense of identity and belonging.

J. Rasmussen

In my quest for my personal ethnic validation, I opted for the iGENEA DNA test. This fascinating and profoundly enlightening go-to genealogical tool left no stone unturned in my endeavor to dig into the ancestry behind my surname, Rasmussen. Intrigued and enthused, I braced for a journey into the past, a deep quest to delve into my roots and familial connections spanning across centuries.

True to my expectations, the iGENEA DNA results were comprehensive, accurate and notable, illuminating untraveled paths of my lineage. I discovered that "Rasmussen", a traditionally Danish name, traces its origins back to an ancient Scandinavian line, meaning "son of Rasmus". It was startling to learn that "Rasmus" in turn, is a Latin rendition of the Greek name "Erasmus", translating to 'beloved'. This instantly dispelled my long-held misconception that it was a German name.

This invaluable discovery led me to Rasmussen ancestors who were seafarers, brave Vikings who travelled the seas. Additionally, the iGENEA test results gave a further detailed breakdown of my ancestral origin, tracing a significant part of my DNA to North-West Europe, specifically Denmark, confirming the narrative of the Rasmussen lineage.

One highly impressive aspect of the iGENEA DNA test is the vast DNA database that linked me with several versions of my last name; Rasmusson, Rasmusen, Rassmussen. This, combined with the connecting tool, enabled me to establish connections with distant relatives and distant cousins from different parts of the world. I’ve since communicated with Rasmussens from Denmark, Canada, and even Australia.

In conclusion, the iGENEA DNA testing put an end to my long-lasting quest for identity. It’s invigorating to grasp the story behind your name, to know where you descend from, who your ancestors were and what they become. It sparked a desire to explore more, to get familiar with my newly found relatives, and to learn more about our common Scandinavian Viking ancestry. The iGENEA DNA test is much more than a genetic report; it is a heritage compass that has gifted me with a richer understanding of myself and my lineage.

J. Rasmussen

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🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNAViking DNAGermanic DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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