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A Genetic Journey through Time: Revealing the Deep Roots and Intriguing History of the Hölder Surname through an iGENEA DNA Test

Family name Hölder

My detailed iGENEA DNA test report reveals intriguing roots of the uncommon surname Hölder, linked to Central Europe and an ancient tribe, the Alemanni. It traces my paternal lineage to the haplogroup R1b and my maternal lineage to the widespread haplogroup H. The names' prevalence in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and surprise connections to Scandinavia, allude to the compelling narrative of migrations that shaped my genetic past.

J. Hölder

The iGENEA DNA test results opened an insightful window to my ancestral past, revealing intriguing genetic ties to the surname Hölder. Despite its relatively uncommon occurrence today, this surname appears to have deep historical roots traversing over many centuries. The DNA test has provided an exclusive perspective on the broader context of my heritage, tracing back to my ancestors while revealing some novel connections tied particularly to this distinctive surname.

The study showed that the Hölder lineage is intricately linked with Central Europe, specifically Germany and parts of Switzerland and Austria. An unexpected finding was the connection to an ancient tribal group, the Alemanni, that historically inhabited regions consistent with these geographical findings. This suggests that the Hölder surname has historical roots potentially dating back to the early Middle Ages, if not earlier.

Further, intriguingly, my paternal lineage traces back to haplogroup R1b, most common in Western Europe. This indicates that my Hölder ancestors were likely part of the groups that migrated from the Asian steppes to Europe some 5000 years ago, introducing pastoralism and advanced metal working to the region.

My maternal lineage corresponds to haplogroup H, which emerged around 25,000 years ago during the last Ice Age. This connection suggests that my maternal Hölder ancestors were among the earliest settled communities in Europe, a testament to their resilience and adaptability.

The genetic link was also found to a group of individuals from Scandinavia, specifically in areas that today are known as Denmark and south-western Sweden. This suggests potential ancestral ties to the Vikings, which challenges conventional understanding of Scandinavian influences in Central Europe.

J. Hölder

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🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNAGermanic DNAViking DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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